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Jew's Harp Festival 2022

The music weekend at Gjøvik 2020

Here there will be a summary from the music weekend in Gjøvik which takes place on a weekend in May.

This year, the course weekend will consist of parallel courses in forging the harmonica, playing the harmonica, playing langeleik (both for beginners and advanced), nailing willow flutes and making bark naps.


Saturday will mainly involve forging the body of the harmonica, while the work of making and fitting springs will take place on Sunday. In addition to using the old main forge, this year we will inaugurate our new gasses!


The playing courses for harmonica and langeleik take place in several of the living rooms at Eiktunet, with good opportunities to divide the participants into several groups according to level. Munharpeforum and langeleikforum provide instruments for loan.


Photo: Lasse Stang

Willow flute players.jpg

The course in willow flute and barking begins with course participants being taken on a tour of the surrounding area to learn how to find typical growing places for willow and alder that are suitable. They then get to take with them plenty of subjects to take back to Eiktunet, where the rest of Friday is spent learning how to nail flutes.


Photo: Lasse Stang

The course fee is NOK. NOK 500, a low price that should make the course attractive to young people and students. The lunch - soup delivered by Eiktunet cafe - costs NOK. 100.00 per day and is shared by all participants.


Course instructors this year:
Smithing course: Stein Terje Mathisen, Sven Håkon Jørgensen and Alexander Sørnes
Harmonica begins: Jon Tharaldsen

Advanced mouth harp: Jim Erik Hoem Johansen

Willow flute and bark trick: Hans Fredrik Jacobsen and Stein Villa
Langeleik begins: Kari Steinsrud
Langeleik in the Vardal tradition: Eva Nyseth and Svein Arne Mæhlum


Friday 25.05. at 19.00: Tingbygningen: Opening of a photo exhibition with works by Lasse Stang and Krydderkonsert with Granem (Frode Granum Stang and others)


Saturday 26.05. at 10.00: Meeting at Eiktunet for all course participants. Presentation round before the groups go their separate ways. The course runs until 16. with joint lunch.


On Saturday evening, everyone meets in the Parliament Building in Hunn for social gatherings and spontaneous interaction. These evenings have become legendary! Professional and amateur musicians meet here and share songs and experiences. Course participants get to experience solo playing and high-level collaboration, and harmonica, langeleik, willow flute and singing are very well suited for collaboration!


Sunday 27.05.: at 10.00: The courses continue until 3 p.m. with shared lunch.

2 pm: Outdoor concert with Hans Fredrik Jacobsen on stage at Eiktunet.


Registration for Stein Villa,, tel: + 47 934 95 806.

Price for course: NOK 500.

Lunch costs NOK. NOK 100 per day.

Concert with Granem NOK NOK 100 for course participants, NOK NOK 200 for others.

Payment to account no. 2010 22 27507. Enter your name and Musikhelg!


Addresses: Tingbygningen på Hunn: Hunnsvegen 29.
          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_      Eiktunet open air museum: Øverby.vegen 108


The event is a collaboration between the Gjøvik spelmannslag, the Traditional Music Archive Mjøsmuseet, the Norsk langeleikforum and the Norsk munnharpeforum. It is supported by KOMP and the Norwegian Culture Council.

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